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Thank You!

eta would like to recognize you because you recognized us!

Thank you for your continued support and generosity. 


Individual Donors

Donors 2021

eta Special Honors Palladium Tier

$15,000 & Up

Chancelor and Kristen Bennett

Abena Joan Brown Platinum Tier


Nancy and Lester McKeever

Okoro Harold Johnson Gold Tier


Jeannie Adams

Leadership Mentoring Opportunities  Foundation

Leslie Bond

The Monroe C. and Loretta J. Walton Fund

Network for the Good/Facebook

Providence Bank

Requel Gibson

Romi Lowe

Lynnette Millner

Dorretta Parker

Al Johnson Silver Tier $500-$999

Carol L. Adams

National Philanthropic Trust

Tiana D. Hill

Donors 2022

eta Special Honors Palladium Tier

$15,000 & Up

Abena Joan Brown Platinum Tier


Okoro Harold Johnson Gold Tier


Stephen W. Blessman

Leslie F Bond Jr

Requel Gibson

Lynnette Millner

Doris Newton

Dorretta Parker

Gene Smith

Al Johnson Silver Tier $500-$999

Robert Granger

Carolyn Grantham

Rosalind Henderson Mustafa

Lois L. Tyson

Romi Lowe

Amazon Payton Smiley

Sunanda Prabhugaunkar

Tim Thomas

Donors 2023

eta Special Honors Palladium Tier

$15,000 & Up

City Arts Grant

Abena Joan Brown Platinum Tier


Okoro Harold Johnson Gold Tier


Bill Lowry

Requel Gibson

Robert Granger 

Karen Granger

Providence Bank

Dorretta Evans Parkers

The Monroe C. and Loretta J. Walton Fund

Lester H. McKeever and Nancy C. McKeever

Carolyn Grantham

Markena Peavy

Fernando Jones

Al Johnson Silver Tier $500-$999

Earl Duffin

Donors 2024

eta Special Honors Palladium Tier

$15,000 & Up

Abena Joan Brown Platinum Tier


Okoro Harold Johnson Gold Tier


Requel Gibson

Al Johnson Silver Tier $500-$999

Providence Bank & Trust

Archie Weston Bronze Tier $1-$499

Angela Jackson

Audrey Cooper-Stanton

Bernice Willis

Black United Fund

Cheryl Marshall Washington

Dolores Easter

Dyahanne Ware

Ful Treasures Community Center

Gwendolyn Rice

John Burrell

Joseph Mahone Sr.

Leak and Sons Funeral Home

Maggie Stanton

Mary Horde

Reginald Haywood

Rita Maryland

Rosemary Randle

Sharon Saunders

Sheon Suarkeo

Willie Legardy

The Archie Weston Bronze Tier $1-$499

A. Lavender Simmons

Amy Kanarios

Andrea K. Brown

Annette Newsum

Aretas G. Collymore

Augustine H. Lee

Barbara Calhoun

Beverly Harris

Bonnie Cook

Brenda Flemming

Brenda L. Moore

Candice Agree

Cheryl E Green

Cheryl Marshall Washington

Christine Blanchard

Clarence Peter

Crystal Cash

Cynthia Carr

D.A.T. Banks

Debra Parker

Donna E. Thompson

Faye Lynn

Felton B Thomas

Florence Townsend

Ful Treasures Community Center

Gladys Smith

Hattie Best

Jacqueline J. Lewis

Jacquelyn Mosley McNeal

Jeannie Adams

Jewel L. Anderson

Joann Marie Davis

Joanne Jackson

John W. Burrell

Juanita Coy

Juanita Temple

Kenyetta Young Jackson

Kimberly Bratton

Konora Maxwell

La Detra White

LaDonna Reese

Lisa M Jones

Maggie L. Stanton

Margaret Brown

Mark A Durham

Mary B. Marshall

Merlon Edgerson

Mildred C. Barnes

Monica V Gray

Ms. Veronica Andrews

Myrna J. Driskell

National Philanthropic Trust

Ophelia Thomas

Patricia McCreary Cannon

Robin L. Jarrett PHD

Rosemary Randle

Scott L Thomas

Sharon Lee Horton

The Benevity Community Impact Fund

The Third Dimension Performance Group

Third World Press Foundation

Thomas Green

Todd Q Adams

Toya Howard

Willa R. Lee

William Boline

Yvonne Jones

Archie Weston Bronze Tier $1-$499

Amazon Smiley

Thomas R. Green

Candice Agree

Jeannie L. Adams

Facebook Donations

Mary B. Marshall

Sharon Renee Saunders

Christine Blanchard

Doris Nichols Smith

A. Lavender Simmons

James E. Block

Norman M. James and Marsha Brazley James

Cheryl Marshall Washington

Lawnrence F. Lee and Willa R. Lee

Jewel L. Anderson

Archie Weston Bronze Tier $1-$499



7558 S South Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60619

Phone: (773) 752-3955

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Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed Saturdays and Sundays

© 2023 eta Creative Arts Foundation

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